Business/Sponsor Opportunity
Thanks to our Sponsors!
Mount Dora Art in the Alley
The next Art in the Alley is Friday April 11
Come to the MDCA Art Gallery at 138 E.5th Ave and check out the Mount Dora Art League Pop Up Gallery Exhibition. Support local artists with your purchases during Art in the Alley!

Mount Dora Center for the Arts is proud to host ”Art in the Alley”, a community focused event with the mission to support emerging artists by giving them space and opportunities to showcase and sell their art work and engage with the public.
The event is held every 2nd Friday of each month in the alley on Royellou Lane between 3rd and 4th Ave from 6-8pm. (Use GPS 125 E 4th Ave Mount Dora, FL to locate the alley.)
There is no fee to set up, show and sell your talented offerings.
Only original art is allowed. Email us with a description and photos for approval prior to showing up: CONTACT US!
There is no Set-Up Fee and public admission is FREE.
All works of art must be created by the participating artist.
Examples Allowed: Oil / acrylic / watercolor / Original Art transfer / Charcoal / Pen and Ink / Photography / Graphic and Digital Art / Pottery / Mixed Media / Sculpture / Engravings / Handmade metal, polymer, or fine fabricated jewelry
Prohibited items:
Mass-manufactured/Commercial products, Ai generated art, resin, sublimation, tumblers, criket type produced signs, soap, crystals, candles.
MDCA staff reserves the right to make final interpretations of allowed/prohibited items.
Musicians/Entertainment Buskers:
Busking is allowed with pre approval . Music must be acoustic or kept at a reasonable volume.
This is a family friendly event. Please keep content appropriate. MDCA staff has final discretion and may ask you to remove offensive material.
Email us with a description and photos for approval prior to showing up: CONTACT US!
Dear Business Owner,
You may or may not have noticed that Mount Dora Center for the Arts’ monthly
event to support emerging artists is back.
We have a new, enthusiastic, event committee that initiated the restart of the event
in May 2023 and we apologize for any inconveniences or miscommunication that
may have arisen over the artist set up/business leaving procedure for this
community event .
MDCA is committed to continuing Art in the Alley throughout the summer months
to provide support to local artists and encourage more feet on the street for
businesses throughout the season .
MDCA welcomes you to bring flyers, coupons or any other collateral to place on our
info table and market your business to the visitors at the event. If you would like to
Sponsor this event for additional community branding and advertising, please go to
Please be advised of the alley closure to public thru traffic every 2nd Friday of the
month, from 5pm until 9pm to allow artists to set up/break down safely. (The alleyway closure includes Royellou Lane between 5th Ave to the city parking lot entrance near 3rd Ave. )
MDCA understands that many businesses have vehicles parked in the alley. When
possible, please have vehicles removed from the Alley no later than 5:30pm for pedestrian and artist safety. This is a suggestion and not a demand. Volunteers will be
sure to keep a path open for any vehicles parked and we will offer an escort to walk
you and your vehicle safely out to exit.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to us. We greatly appreciate
your cooperation and partnership.
Thanks for being a pART of it!
Janet Gamache (352) 217-8390 [email protected]
Mount Dora Center for the Arts, Executive Director
Willy Amezquita (267) 307-7031 [email protected]
Art in the Alley Coordinator & On Site Event Contact

Artist traffic map and set up information

Artist Set-Up Information:
Spaces are limited and availability is 1st come / 1st serve. Spaces are not assigned & artists will set up as they arrive.
We do not have use of the alley until 5PM. DO NOT block the alley or set up before 5PM.
Dolly in artists may choose any open space marked with blue tape. Drive in artists must proceed to the end and fill in spaces as directed by MDCA staff and volunteers.
Spaces are 10’ wide and should be set up for proper display. The blue tape is the center of your space. No vehicle/trunk set ups allowed. No tents unless pre authorized.
Tent spaces are limited and available for $20 on a 1st come / 1st serve basis until gone.
After 5PM, DOLLY/Walk in your items from a parking lot if possible. You may choose any space that is available.
If Driving in to unload 5:00pm-5:45pm, Enter at the Entry point at 5th Ave and Royellou Lane (Use 130 E. 5th Avenue Mount Dora, FL 32757 to locate the artist entrance to the alley.) Proceed to the end. You must take the next available space as directed by MDCA staff.
Do not block any business owner cars as they may be leaving during the event. Unload, Go Park and Return on foot to complete set up.
No Vehicles can enter for break down until after 8pm. You must walk items out if leaving early.
General Questions and info call (352) 217-8390 or Email [email protected]
Onsite Event Coordinator JESSICA (352) 999-3469