Mount Dora Art League
Mount Dora Center for the Arts is proud to lift up and partner with the Mount Dora Art League, the oldest organized group of artists in Central Florida.
The Mount Dora Art League is comprised of artists who pay an annual $25 membership fee to cover monthly art demonstrations and workshops. They meet once a month and have a member only exhibition each year in the MDCA gallery.
Today, all forms of artistic expression are encouraged. Members need not be artists, just have an interest in art and are welcome to come to learn about art through demos and discussions.
Demos and workshops are planned for each of their meetings which are held in the Mount Dora Center for the Arts gallery at 135 E. 5th Ave Mount Dora, FL on the third Saturday of the month from 10am to 12pm.
Mount Dora Art League (MDAL) Members’ Spring Exhibition 2025
April 4 – May 4, 2025
Show Location: Lake County Art Museum, 218 West Ruby Street, Tavares
Important Dates:
March 31: 10am – 2pm Drop off art, fees, and entry form (see page 2)
April 4: 5 to 7pm Opening reception and award presentations
April 5 – May 4 (Wed – Sun): noon to 4pm Show open to public (closed Sunday, April 27)
May 5: 10am – 2pm Pick up artwork (or on May 4 at 4pm)
MDAL members are invited to submit up to 2 pieces of artwork using any medium provided that it:
meets the size limitations (see below).
is original artwork, has been created within the last 3 years, and has not been shown at
previous MDAL shows.
is wired ready to hang. Sawtooth hangers will not be accepted.
must stand on its own if 3-D art or rest securely on a display provided by Lake County Art Museum.
Awards: Best of Show,1st, 2nd, and 3rd place entries will be awarded a ribbon and cash prize:
$200 for Best of Show, $150 for 1st, $100 for 2nd, and $50 for 3rd. In addition, non-cash awards (ribbons) will be given to other pieces otherwise considered best in the following categories:
oil/acrylic, photography, watercolor, 3-D art, and other media. Ribbons will also be awarded for merit that fall outside of the general or media awards.
Fee: $10 for each of up to two entries. Art sold at the show will be charged a 30% commission by Lake County Art Museum.
Maximum Size limit: 80 Total Universal Inches (height added to the width) This applies to the outer dimensions of unframed or framed art. For example: a framed painting measuring 16+20 inches would be 36 universal inches. A second painting, therefore, could be no larger than 44 universal inches (e.g., 20+24) for a total of 80 universal inches. Alternatively, you may, for example, enter one 40 x 40 inch piece which would equal 80 universal inches.
We are hoping to accommodate all entries. If oversubscribed, we will undertake a jury process on the drop off date. You will be notified that evening if your piece was unable to be hung and your entry fee will be returned to you.
Please bring: (1) your art, (2) completed entry form (next page), and (3) entry fee (cash or check) to Lake County Art Gallery (218 West Ruby Street, Tavares) on March 31, 10am –2pm.
2024 MDAL Member Exhibition Awards
Members of MDAL held their annual exhibition in the MDCA Gallery at 138 E. 5th Ave. Mount Dora, FL in May 2024.
“Nala” Mixed Media, Sheila Hedeman
THIRD PLACE Morna Strengholt, “Rowboat in the Moonlight” acrylic on window screen
Honorable Mentions: Chrissie Hawkes, “Hurricane” acrylic . Dea Davis, “Playing Pipers” acrylic. Bob Pearson, “Dijon Morning”, colored pencil. Susan Grogan, “Let’s Do Lunch” watercolor. Laura Howell, “Lew Gardens Landscape” photography

Korinne Carpino demonstrates Alcohol Ink techniques
Join the Mount Dora Art League community
Mount Dora Art League is an artist support community. Sign up to get the MDCA monthly newsletter and you'll discover monthly workshops and demonstrations offered to MDAL members. Get involved and sign up to be a volunteer at MDCA!

MDAL’s March meeting, Saturday, 1-3 pm, will be at Mount Dora Center for the Arts Gallery (138 E. 5th Ave) instead of Chrissie Hawkes’ studio.
We’ll be meeting in town and can take advantage of the Art and Craft Fair being held this weekend, as well as enjoy the art that 18 of our members are showing in the gallery as part of our Pop Up exhibition. Parking lots near downtown will have free shuttles. Bob Pearson will present the program “Painting from Photos”.
If you are planning on participating in our Spring 2025 show at the Lake County Art Museum, please email Bob (by responding to this email or at [email protected]) the number of entries — 1 or 2 — you plan to deliver to LCAM (213 W Ruby St., Tavares) on Match 31, 11-2 pm. We need a count of the number of pieces being planned in order to determine how many stand alone display panels to bring to the Museum.
You must have your 2025 dues paid by March 31 to be in the show (you may bring a check when you drop off your art). After April 1, those with dues unpaid will be pruned from the MDAL email list. If you joined last year in October, November or December, you are considered paid for 2025.
Finally, there will be a Plein Air paint out, today, Thursday, 1-3 pm at 115 N Sunset Drive, Mount Dora.
Look forward to hearing from you about the number of pieces you plan to exhibit at the Art Museum. And see you at Saturday’s meeting.
Morna and Bob

Artist Sandi Hanlon-Breuer presented a free watercolor demo in the MDCA Gallery on Jan 18, 2025

Mount Dora Art League History
The Mount Dora Art League was founded on February 26, 1926 and was active from the start. In the early days, the artists were from both Mount Dora and Eustis until Eustis began their own league, but there are still close ties between the two. Art classes in many disciplines and writing were conducted and the first art shows by the group were often held on the tennis court fence!
On the 25 th. anniversary in 1951, Hugh Mc Kean who was then President of Rollins College and is the benefactor along with his wife of the Morse Museum in Winter Park, was the honored guest at a catered dinner in the Community Building.
The League began to fade but was invigorated in February of 1962 when dues were a dollar and no meetings were held but the membership displayed their work together in several exhibits a year.
In 1963 –64, the membership was similar to today’s membership of 50; two shows a year were held and displays by four local schools were included.
Then, only painters were displaying their work, but now all forms of artistic expression are encouraged and members who have an interest in art but are not producing art , are also encouraged to come as members to learn about art through demos and discussions.
Demos are planned for each of their meetings which are held at Mount Dora Center for the Arts at 138 E5th Ave Mount Dora, FL on the third Saturday of each month. Membership for the year is $25.00 which helps to offset any demonstration fees. Come join our Mount Dora Art League and display your art with us at our two shows this coming year.